MapAround.Geography NamespaceMapAround Documentation
The MapAround.Geography namespace contains interfaces and classes that represent geometric objects on the Earth's surface.

Most of the implemented geometric algorithms is limited by total coverage of the input data. It should not exceed the hemisphere. Points that are spaced away from the center of mass of all starting points are processed less precisely.

For real objects on the Earth's surface (up to the continents), this restriction is not essential and the lost of accuracy is acceptable.


Public classEllipticAlgorithms
Implements basic algorithms on the spheroid's surface.
Public classEllipticOverlayCalculator
Calculates the overlays of geographies.

Instances of this class are used to calculate the results of Boolean operations (union, intersection, difference, symmetric difference) over the point sets. Point sets can be defined as a geopolygons, geopolylines or geopoints.
Public classEnvelope
Represents an envelope of the geographic objects.

Envelope is defined as a center point and an angle, which determine region on the ellipsoid surface which contains geometric shape. Envelope is not a minimum area envelope, which can be defined by the point and angle. Because the center is computed by summing the vectors from the center of the globe to each vertex in the figure, essentially averaging the vertices. The calculation of minimal cap is difficult computationally and takes a long time. This implementation is a compromise on performance and good approximation of the true minimum envelope.
Public classGeoBufferBuilder
Calculates buffers on the Earth's surface.
Public classGeoContour
Represents closed sequence of connected segments on the Earth's surface.
Public classGeodeticCalculator
Solves the direct and the inverse geodetic problems. Implements Thaddeus Vincenty algorithms. See
Public classGeography
Represents the geometry on the Earth's surface.
Public classGeographyCollection
Represents a collection of geographies.
Public classGeoMultiPoint
An ordered collection of points on the Earth's surface.
Public classGeoPath
A sequence of connected segments on the Earth's surface.
Public classGeoPoint
Represents a point on the Earth's surface.
Public classGeoPolygon
Represents a polygon on the Earth's surface.
Public classGeoPolyline
A polyline on the Earth's surface.

Public structureAngle
Encapsulates an angle.

Angles are constructed in degrees, but inside are radians for convenience of calculation. The comparison is based on the number of full circles. Ie 360 degrees is not equal to 0 degrees.
Public structureGeodeticCurve
Represents a geodetic curve on the Earth's surface.
Public structureGeodeticMeasurement
Represents a geodetic measurement. Geodetic measurement is the segment of a geodesic line on the ellipsoid and the altitude difference between start and end points of the segment.
Public structureGlobalCoordinates
Represents a global coordinates. Which defined by the latitude and longitude. Negative latitude - the southern hemisphere. Negative longitude - Eastern Hemisphere. The angles in the canonical form belong to the following intervals: Latitude: -90 to +90 degrees Longitude: -180 to +180 degrees
Public structureGlobalPosition
Represents a global position. Which defined by the latitude, longitude and elevation above the surface of the ellipsoid.

Public interfaceIGeography
Provides access to members of the geometry on the Earth's surface.